American Pathways Univeristy

Authorization & Accreditation

American Pathways University (APU) has been authorized by the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) to operate in the State of Colorado since 2004. For the listing of American Pathways University by the CDHE as a private institution of higher education, go to The CDHE has determined state authorization is probationary, contingent on periodic review of APU’s satisfactory progress in securing accreditation by a recognized US Department of Education accreditor.
For additional information, please contact the Colorado Department of Higher Education, ATTN: Heather DeLange at (303) 866-4209.
Accreditation is the primary means by which the quality of higher education and programs is assured. Accreditation is a voluntary, private and nongovernmental process, and a form of self-regulation in which colleges, universities and programs of higher education in the United States have come together to develop standards, policies, and procedures for self-examination and judgment by peers. The process includes Self-Study by the institution and Site-Visit evaluations by scholars and university administrators.
From 2007-2015 American Pathways University was a member of the American Academy for Liberal Education (AALE), national accreditor of outstanding liberal arts colleges and universities, with the status of institutional accreditation (2010-2015). Currently APU is pursing accreditation with the U.S. Department of Education recognized national accreditor that specializes in certifying career training programs.

American Pathways Univeristy