See the University Bulletin or the University Catalog for more details
General Policy
The University expects students to maintain high academic standards of scholarship. Students should strive for academic excellence, collegiality, personal integrity, and responsible conduct.
Grading System
Description | Percent Grade | Letter Grade | Grade Points |
Work of Exceptional Quality | 90-100 | A | 4 |
Work of Commendable Quality | 80-89 | B | 3 |
Work of an Acceptable Quality | 70-79 | C | 2 |
Work of Passing Quality | 60-69 | D | 1 |
Failing Work, no credit | 0-59 | F | 0 |
Withdrawn | W | — | |
Audit | AU | — | |
No Credit | NC | — | |
Incomplete | I | — | |
In-Progress | IP | — | |
Incomplete (I)
Incomplete (I) given for extraordinary reasons, e.g., family death, serious health crisis, and employment or military transfer/assignment. Otherwise an F is assigned if the work is not completed by the deadline.
Audit (AU)
Students auditing a course are expected to meet the same attendance requirements as regular class members. Normally, auditing students are not required to complete assignments. Students may complete all requirements and change from audit to credit.
In Progress (IP)
Students not completing the requirements of an internship, field experience, or practicum by the end of the semester, with the permission of the instructor, may complete them the following semester. A grade of IP is assigned until completion when it is replaced by a letter grade. Otherwise an F is assigned.
Repeat Privileges and No Credit (NC)
Students may repeat any course in which a D or F was earned. When the course is repeated with a grade of C or better, the new grade is entered on the transcript and the cumulative grade point average is recalculated. The student must pay full tuition when repeating a course for credit.
Good Standing for Graduation
Students must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C average) in order to graduate. Furthermore, all fees and tuition must be paid in full prior to commencement.