American Pathways Univeristy

M.A. Application

Application may be made to the Master of Arts in Education program by following these steps:

Step 1. Complete Application Form. Fill out the APU Application Form and send it to APU.

Step 2. Provide Supplemental Information. This includes college transcripts, current resume, professional essay, a participation agreement financial aid documents, and fingerprint documentation (for education concentration students only). (Click here for instructions and a description of these items.)

Step 3. Send Application Form and Information to APU.

American Pathways University
Office of Admissions
2227 Franklin Street
Denver, CO 80205

Step 4. Pay Application Fee. Pay by check or by Visa (click here).

Click here to download the Application Form.

Click here to download an Application Guide and Check List.


College Transcripts

Applicant must order his/her college transcripts to be sent directly to American Pathways University at the address above.


Current Resume

Utilize standard form and content.


Professional Essay Description

Write a short essay of thee to five typed pages that includes the following:


Expression of your philosophy of education. (1) Discuss your life accomplishments and goals, and explain how student-engagement with The Great Books and the Socratic Method is essential and beneficial for learning. In your opinion, what should be the learning outcomes as a result? (2) How critical is the skill of critical thinking? (3) Explain why the goal and value of the learning process should be the experience itself or the truth discovered or both. (4) How do the liberating arts facilitate immediate and long-term changes in thinking, doing, and being in a learner, such as yourself, and prepare you for a successful life and responsible citizenship?


For students interested in the M.A. with the concentration in education:


Add Addendum to the Essay. Explain your professional mission as an educator and discuss how the M.A. pertains to working with high-needs students in at-risk environments and elsewhere. (1) Explain the need for a cultural awareness and understanding. (2) How do student needs affect lesson planning and instruction? (3) What does advocacy and student support look like in the at-risk setting? (4) How does cultural awareness, student-centered instruction, and advocacy and student support relate to your philosophy of education? Provide a summary where you.

(1) State your mission as an educator in 30 words or less and

(2) Discuss its rational and relevance to the calling of an educator, your own teaching environment, and your professional and personal goals.


Participation Agreement. Complete the Participation Agreement, signed by the principal and the M.A. with a concentration in education Program participant (yourself). Must be attached to Application Form.

Click here to view the Participation Agreement.

Click here to download Participation Agreement.


*Finger Print Documentation. Because each student in the Master of Arts in Education Program with a concentration in education will be working directly with children, finger printing and a background check is required. Documentation is required that you have completed this process. For more information about attaining fingerprints and a background check in your state, access your state education website or law enforcement offices for instructions.


Financial Aid Documents: Proof of Employment and Income:

Financial aid documents may be submitted after the initial application is completed, but financial aid will not be available until such documents are on file with American Pathways University. Documents include proof of employment and applicant’s most recent IRS Form 1040 filing (first two pages only or copy of electronic filing).

American Pathways Univeristy