American Pathways Univeristy

Course Schedules

See the University Bulletin or the University Catalogfor more detailsSome courses are scheduled around student schedules. TBA means “To Be Announced.” Courses not found in the Catalog are listed under Electives and Special Courses denoted by an asterisk (*). Please contact the instructor for description of Special Courses. See American Pathways University campus map for locations of the Learning Center addresses listed below.Courses are listed alphabetically by Course Prefix (e.g., EDU 201)

TBA : TBA listed with the course it means that the course will be scheduled at a time most convenient for students, as determined through expressions of student needs to Academic Advisors and the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Preq . Means that the course has a prerequisite course that must be completed with an acceptable grade before you may register for the course you desire. For example, ENG 211 English Composition II has the preq. ENG 101 English Composition I.
** Refers to courses that are part of the University’s general education requirement and conform to the State of Colorado’s “guaranteed transfer pathways program” – this means that this particular course may transfer to other public colleges (depending on that institution’s transfer of credit policies) and that courses taken at another public college that are listed in the State’s transfer guide will transfer to APU.

HSE refers to Humans Services Major courses;
LDR refers to Organizational Leadership and Management major courses
BUS refers to Business major courses;
refers to Practical Theology major courses;

EDU 201 Introduction to Education is the course to take in order to certify credit for college-equivalent life learning. Courses required to meet the APU General Education Requirement or elective credit are listed in black with an **.

Other courses may be added to meet student needs.   Course not scheduled this semester but are in the University Catalog may be completed by DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY –see your advisor for more detail.

Download Schedule:   2012_Spring_Schedule


American Pathways Univeristy